Unsuspicious Activity Around an Attended Package

February 9, 12:00 p.m.—12:00 a.m.
Various locations along the CTA Blue Line

Clutch Gallery and The Society of Smallness present: Unsuspicious Activity Around an Attended Package, a 12-hour exhibition and performance as part of the 2nd Floor Rear Festival. We will debut Floating Drawings by Alexis Petroff.

For 2FR, the SOS will ride the rails with Clutch on the CTA Blue Line between Division and Logan Square. Our good looking and moderately talented docents will give guided tours of Clutch. Periodically, if we know our docents, they will grow distracted and wander off the El to get a drink, type an urgent letter, or visit other 2FR exhibitors. Accompanying them will be a tiny entourage of bureaucrats who are wont to tweet their location and perform clerical duties, like stamping all manner of surfaces with the SOS shrimp logo. Through these seemingly idiosyncratic tics the SOS will keep Clutch in the heart of the action and create a roving experience not to be missed.

See our itinerary on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter for updates on our location. Hashtags: #SOS, #Clutch and #2ndfloor. More on 2nd Floor Rear's blog.